How do museums and similar establishments use augmented reality? The sky’s the limit, and the Hnumber of ways to use AR apps increases day by day. the main factors that are important when it comes to implementing augmented reality are the museum type and the visitor experience you want to enhance. Depending on that, you can see variations in using this or that technology.

It is quite difficult to come up with a one-size-fits-all classification system for augmented reality in this case, but we did our best to identify the major ways of using augmented reality in museums.

Audio Augmented Reality

Audio tours had existed long before the augmented reality started appearing in museums. But how can we improve this experience even further?

If we take a look at a standard audio tour at an open-air museum, you can tell that there’s a lot of hassle involved. You have to pause and play the audio all the time, rewind it back and forth, which can ruin the overall impression.

But, with the potential of augmented reality, you can transform a simple audio tour into an immersive and memorable journey.

With the use of augmented reality apps and a smart headset, you can blend the information from all the sensors your phone has.

By tracking your position (GPS), the direction you look at (Gyroscope), your movement speed changes (Accelerometer), it is possible to create a 3D audio environment so that the visitor can actually understand where the sounds are coming from.

You can experiment by placing AR audio sources and change their volume based on the visitor’s actions.

The immersion level skyrockets drastically in comparison to standard tours.

Outdoor Exploration

Take the exploration experience out of the museum!

There are GPS-based augmented reality platforms that allow for creating interactive AR applications.

The mobile gaming industry has started using those as soon as it became possible. And Pokémon Go is a prime example of successfully using the location-based augmented reality apps for entertainment.

AR Markers

These should not be mistaken for QR codes. The latter can only be processed using a QR scanner, whereas the AR Markes trigger a particular process whenever captured by a camera through an augmented reality application. Basically, any two-dimensional image can be made into a marker you could use for the AR app.

Then, as soon as the marker is captured, AR apps can overlap an image, audio, a video, additional information or a 3D model.

AR Markers

These should not be mistaken for QR codes. The latter can only be processed using a QR scanner, whereas the AR Markes trigger a particular process whenever captured by a camera through an augmented reality application. Basically, any two-dimensional image can be made into a marker you could use for the AR app.

Then, as soon as the marker is captured, AR apps can overlap an image, audio, a video, additional information or a 3D model.


Moreover, in case you cannot be located via a GPS signal or Wi-Fi, then using AR markers is the best strategy for such places.

It is the most common way of applying augmented reality in museums today. In the next section of our article, we’ll provide actual examples of the AR use cases so that you have a better idea of how it looks like.
