As the New European Agenda for Culture highlights, an embrace of technological tools and innovative approaches is needed to revitalize and bring about a much-needed evolution to the cultural sector. Museums as a key pillar of the Cultural Sector which is of immense importance for the EU as a key representation and promoter of its cultural heritage as well as a pivotal contributor to the Union’s economy and growth, need to take steps towards the digitisation of their workings and to reshape the way they engage their visitors. These realities and needs have been apparent for many years but have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic with its wide-ranging effect on all aspects of life that have, among others, accentuated the need for digital transition of organizations, institutions and industries.

Hence, museums and cultural foundations need to adopt innovative technologies to reshape the way their workings are conducted elevating the experience they offer to their audience and enhance their capacity to attract and engage younger generations.